Everyone loves wool covers, but most people dread the hand-washing. Now you can reduce how often you have to wash your woolens with this great lanolizing spray!
***NOTE: I use 2 TBSP of solid lanolin and 2 TBSP of liquid lanolin in EACH batch of spray mix! That's 4 TBSPs of lanolin per 1.5 cups!***
Perfect for replenishing the depleted lanolin in your wool diaper covers between washes to keep them waterproof and fresh!
This bottle is the perfect size to tuck in next to your diaper changing station or your diaper bag for on the go.
I use a small amount of pure lavender essential oil in this spray. Lavender is mildly antiseptic and is the heavenly scent so loved for soothing and relaxing babies.
Simply spritz a pump or two of this onto your woolen every day or two between washes and either rub in or lay out to dry.