If you were ever a cheerleader, you know the importance of color-coordinated candy. For decades, the red-and-blue schools have out-spirited blue-and-gold and maroon-and-gold teams. How could they not? It's so easy to cater to the primary-color crowd.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is 2012. You can now pepper your pep rally with diverse candy flavors in your school colors, no matter what they are. will satisfy chocolate-loving fans, while Candy Pearls are a sure bet for sweet-and-tart enthusiasts. These small candies add brilliant color to cupcakes, cookies, and swag bags. You can incorporate them in Prom, graduation, and every other themed event under the sun.
Gold Candy Pearls come packed in a 5-pound bulk bag. Each pound contains approximately 1750 pieces. They're certified Kosher Parve.